Darby, my sister-in-law, and I visited Charleen's shop, Green in the Blue Ridge in Lexington, VA over Memorial Day weekend. What a treat! We both came home with children's books made from elephant poo, recycled crayons, a stuffed dog made from recycled water bottles and admired all the other things in her shop made from recycled product! Check out her blog, www.greenintheblueridge.blogspot.com. Of course, she sellsJohnny Green and the Little Green Man and one of her patrons came in while we were there and left with a signed copy! Not only is her shop full of amazing treasures but it is located in the oldest building in Lexington, "The Castle". You will certainly enjoy just meandering through the town of Lexington!

After our visit at Green in the Blue Ridge, I pulled out an article printed in our local newspaper, The Smith Mountain Eagle, to show Darby. Classrooms around the county are making $$$ for their schools by collecting and sending juice cartons, cell phones, etc. in to TerraCycle, www.terracycle.net. TerryCycle then makes cool and useful things from these and sells them...so we checked them out. I ordered some pencil pouches and recycled pencils for giveaways at my events. If you are a teacher, or want to make $$$ for your organization, hop on board with this idea! Everyone benefits! Just wanted to share with you just one more way of working together to Help Save our Green Earth!!!!

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