Friday, August 28

My how time does fly!

All in a days work! Almost three weeks ago I anxiously awaited the face lift to Johnny Green! Now - today the publisher says - it will be complete! I am so thrilled with the new cover and hope you will be as well. If you have visited my website, or the Xlibris bookstore website you have found out that the first edition of Johnny Green and the Little Green Man is 'currently unavailable.' Never fear! Johnny will be back soon and I will post again when that happens! Johnny and I met with a very 'green' lady yesterday and we are so excited. She is connected with Natural Awakenings magazine, and as well as many other entrepreneurial ventures, and will be giving Johnny a glowing review but will be interviewing both myself and Julia (Johnny's illustrator) for the November magazine. And by the way, Julia now has her own blog now, so please take some time to check it out! Talk to you very soon!

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